Functions of the Committies

  1. This appraisal process encompasses aspects that reflect and govern commitments to designated responsibilities of faculties.
  2. The appraisal process will apply to all staff (teaching and non teaching) who have successfully completed one year of their services. This includes teaching and non teaching staff.
  3. The evaluation will be done on the performance on various parameters like Teaching Learning, Curriculum development, Assessment, Use of ICT, research and publications, Mentoring, Involvement in Placements. The consolidated data of a faculty is calculated and the same is communicated to the management for final appraisal.
  4. Each faculty member is required to carry out his/her self appraisal along with the contributions and any significant achievements made during the appraisal period and submit the same to the principal.
  5. Management Evaluation On receipt of the appraisal form from the principal will review the same. Management evaluation will be personal interaction of the faculty with the Individual staff member.
  6. Once the discussion with the Management is complete, the final rating is done and forwarded to HR